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Expanding Your Solar System Without Losing Your NEM Status

What You Need to Know

The rules and policies around net energy metering (“NEM”) in California are constantly evolving as new guidelines are introduced. NEM refers to the arrangement between utilities and solar customers regarding credits for excess power sent to the...

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How to Find a Reputable Solar Company

Choosing the right solar contractor is a big decision that demands careful research. With so many options out there, it's understandable to feel...

Why Do Solar Cells Need an Inverter? Solar Inverters Explained

Solar Cells and Inverters: An Overview

Considering solar? It's helpful to understand the components that make up the whole. One key part is the solar...

Adding Solar Panels to Your Rental Property

In recent years, the integration of renewable energy sources like solar power has gained considerable traction in various sectors, including real...

Adding Solar Panels to an Existing System

Expanding Your Solar System

Solar panels are a great way for homeowners to move into a more sustainable lifestyle, save money on energy bills, find...

GUIDE: Prepare for 2024 Wildfire Season and Power Outages

As wildfire season approaches, experts warn that the recent rain has only put off the inevitable, so residents must stay prepared. The dual hazards...

Franklin Home Power Battery System

The FranklinWH battery is at the forefront of home energy management – an innovative solution we’re excited to offer. Our team is dedicated to...

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