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Tesla Powerwall 3 OR Franklin Battery Backup System? Your Questions Answered

A Comparison of the Franklin Battery vs Tesla Powerwall 3

Solar panels are an excellent way of using the sun’s rays to produce usable electricity, making for a more effective, sustainable, and cost-efficient home. While the sun can produce a lot of energy, most homes do not use...

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The Best Batteries for Solar Energy Storage: Considerations and Options

Choosing the Best Battery Backup for Your Home

Harnessing the sun’s power through solar panels is a great way to ensure your long-term energy...

Solar For Seniors

Why Seniors May Consider Solar

With all the joys that life can bring, reaching the time to retire is certainly one of them. Many seniors experience...

Buying a Home with Solar Panels - What to Know

Buying a Home with Solar Panels

Are you looking to buy a home with solar already installed? Or maybe you’ve already purchased your new home and have...

Expanding Your Solar System Without Losing Your NEM Status

What You Need to Know

The rules and policies around net energy metering (“NEM”) in California are constantly evolving as new guidelines...

How to Find a Reputable Solar Company

Choosing the right solar contractor is a big decision that demands careful research. With so many options out there, it's understandable to feel...

Why Do Solar Cells Need an Inverter? Solar Inverters Explained

Solar Cells and Inverters: An Overview

Considering solar? It's helpful to understand the components that make up the whole. One key part is the solar...

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