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Solar For Seniors

Why Seniors May Consider Solar

With all the joys that life can bring, reaching the time to retire is certainly one of them. Many seniors experience the freedom and adventure that comes with leaving the workforce. But, for a lot of them, finances remain top of mind. Most seniors...

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Buying a Home with Solar Panels - What to Know

Buying a Home with Solar Panels

Are you looking to buy a home with solar already installed? Or maybe you’ve already purchased your new home and have...

Tesla Powerwall 3: A Detailed Review

Introducing Tesla Powerwall 3

If you're interested in learning more about Tesla's latest battery backup system, Tesla Powerwall 3, keep reading for a...

GUIDE: Prepare for 2024 Wildfire Season and Power Outages

As wildfire season approaches, experts warn that the recent rain has only put off the inevitable, so residents must stay prepared. The dual hazards...

Franklin Home Power Battery System

The FranklinWH battery is at the forefront of home energy management – an innovative solution we’re excited to offer. Our team is dedicated to...

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