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Southern California Edison's (SCE) Rate Increases - What You Need to Know

Written by Citadel Roofing & Solar | Jul. 16, 2024

SCE's 2024 Rate Hike: What You Need to Know

California homeowners are no strangers to a high cost of living—and rising electrical rates are adding yet another strain to many residents’ already stretched budgets. 

Southern California Edison’s (SCE) recent rate hike has many homeowners worried about California's changing energy costs and what this increase means for their future electricity bills. Over the past 8 years, customers of Southern California Edison (SCE) have experienced a staggering 123% surge in electricity rates. 

This guide will unpack the 2024 SCE rate hike, explore some factors behind the state’s rising energy costs, and offer solutions to help you manage your home's energy consumption and keep your bills under control. 

The Details: SCE’s 2024 Rate Increase

Southern California Edison (SCE), one of California’s largest electric companies with over 15 million customers, announced a rate increase that took effect on March 1st, 2024. This bumped the average residential bill up around 7.2% for residential customers. 

In addition, a new fixed monthly $24 fee is scheduled to be adopted by the California Public Utilities Commission in May 2024. This charge will impact SCE customers as well as those receiving electricity from Pacific Gas and Electric and San Diego Gas and Electric.

At first glance, a 7.2% rate increase might seem small, but combined with the new $24 monthly fee, it translates to a significant rise in costs for SCE customers. After both increases, the average household's total monthly energy bill went from $143.33 to $199.39. 

If that isn’t frightening enough, SCE is also seeking an additional 4.4% rate hike set to take effect on June 1st, 2024. 

Potential Future Rate Hikes

This isn’t the first time SCE has raised energy rates—and it most likely won’t be the last. In 2022, SCE increased rates by 17%, translating to an extra $85 on customers' electricity bills. And while there are no final decisions on further hikes in 2024, SCE has submitted a proposal for additional rate increases from 2025 through 2028. 

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), the government agency that oversees utilities in the state, is currently reviewing the proposal. Their decision will likely consider factors like SCE's justifications for the hikes, affordability for Californians, and the overall health of California’s electricity market. If approved, SCE customers could see their electricity bills increase by around 10.3% in 2025, followed by more modest increases in subsequent years.

Reasons For SCE’s Rate Hikes

In their announcement, Southern California Edison justifies the change by explaining that the increased revenue is essential to providing reliable electricity service for its customers. They point to the following key factors:

1. Grid Maintenance and Repairs

SCE's electric grid, like much of the United State’s energy infrastructure, is aging and requires ongoing maintenance and repairs to avoid outages and provide reliable service to its customers. 

2. Wildfire Mitigation

California is already at a high risk of wildfires, and with drier conditions and hotter temperatures becoming the norm, the state is facing a serious wildfire threat. To minimize the chance of power lines sparking fires, SCE is investing in several upgrades, including burying power lines in critical areas, installing stronger poles to withstand extreme weather, and implementing stricter vegetation management practices to keep trees and brush away from electrical infrastructure.

What You Can Do to Lower Your Energy Bill

If SCE’s rate hike has you concerned about your budget, here are some steps that homeowners can take to manage the impact of rising energy costs:

Review Your Bill

Understanding your energy bill is the first step in figuring out how to save energy and money.  Look for a section that details your electricity charges. This breakdown will usually show which areas in your home consume the most energy and help you pinpoint ways to reduce your overall electricity usage.

Explore Energy-Saving Options

Small changes like swapping out incandescent bulbs for energy-saving LEDs, slightly adjusting your thermostat, and charging electronics during off-peak hours when electricity rates are lower can reduce your energy consumption and lower your monthly bills. Purchasing newer, Energy Star-certified appliances, such as air-source heat pumps or variable speed pumps for your pool, can also be a worthwhile energy-saving investment.

Research Financial Assistance Programs

Southern California Edison offers two financial assistance programs: California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) and Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA). While these programs have strict eligibility requirements, they can provide substantial savings for qualifying families.

Switch to Solar 

While solar systems can be a significant upfront investment, they’re a smart way for California residents to save money on electricity bills in the long run. Before making the switch, you should consider factors like your roof space, sunlight exposure, and any government incentives or rebates available in your area. 

Solar Power: Your Defense Against Rising Rates

With rising electricity rates from both SCE and almost the entire energy industry, solar energy systems are becoming increasingly attractive to homeowners looking for alternative energy options. Installing solar panels + battery backup systems can offer many benefits, including:

Reduced Grid Reliance

Solar panels allow you to generate your own clean electricity, reducing your dependence on fluctuating grid prices and rising rates set by utility companies like SCE. You'll have a much more predictable idea of your energy costs for years to come.

Adding a solar battery to your system can further reduce your reliance on the grid. Batteries store excess energy produced by your panels during the day, allowing you to use that stored power at night, during outages, and during peak grid hours when electricity rates are highest.

Increased Savings

California's Clean Energy Mandate is driving many counties and cities to offer financial incentives for homes that install solar systems. Federal tax credits and rebates like California's Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) can significantly reduce the upfront cost of solar panels and create an even quicker route to energy savings. 

Environmental Benefits

Solar energy is a clean and renewable resource—perfectly suited to California's abundant sunshine. By switching to solar, you'll help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly environment. 

Secure Your Energy Future With Citadel Roofing and Solar

While the recent rate hike was unwelcome news for Southern California Edison customers, it was also a helpful reminder that relying solely on the grid can leave you and your finances vulnerable to future price increases. For homeowners looking to increase their energy independence and achieve financial peace of mind, solar power is an essential investment.  

Contact a reputable solar installer, like Citadel Roofing and Solar, and discover how solar systems can protect your wallet from rising energy costs.

